
Wyoming Legislative Panel Rejects Tax Proposals – 2018 Budget Session

Those proposals included a 1 percent tax on purchases on leisure and hospitality establishments, raising the state sales tax to fund school construction and maintenance and increase property tax assessment rates.
Spending – Budget, Taxes

There are still tax proposals coming, but through individual bills. Keep calling and emailing your Representatives and Senators and tell them to stop dipping into your wallet just to continue spending. We are told that we must be grateful for the basket of goods, but who decides what is in the basket of goods and just maybe our idea of what we need and government’s idea of what we need are two different things. (Feb 1, 2018)

Shouldn’t the state government be required to spend responsibly and live within its means just like you do?
In the 2018 session, the Wyoming Legislature spent $1.15 BILLION dollars more then it took in. This is evidence of a structural problem within the State budget that is unsustainable over time. State Legislators should spend taxpayer funds responsibly. Wyoming Citizens should not be asked to take cuts in their personal budget in the form of increased fees or taxes in order grow government or maintain bloated spending. Wyoming has an opportunity to elect fiscal conservatives who will embrace the task of requiring government to become more transparent, more efficient and more accountable in the way taxpayer funds are tracked, managed and spent. We all know we need government, we just want GOOD government.
Tax increases are not a viable solution to offset Wyoming’s budget deficits for a variety of reasons. We need to “right-size” government and re-evaluate our spending priorities and programs, not increase taxes. We do not have a population base large enough, to tax enough, to offset the structural deficit. We should not further harm the economy by taking money that is circulating in the private sector to feed a bloated government. I will not ask Wyoming citizens to offset the overspending of the State by cutting their own personal budget in the form of increased fees and taxes. (July 2, 2018)

Last Modified on March 16, 2019
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