Mask Mandates

I am very disturbed by the mask mandate orders given out and signed by Dr. Harrist. In the paper it says that they are following the statute that was passed by the Legislature and in my opinion they are not telling you the whole truth. Down through history the statute has always been interpreted to allow quarantining the sick and infected not the healthy.

This new interpretation of the statute flies in the face of personal responsibility and personal freedoms to make one’s own medical decisions which is also in statute.

I am surprised and disappointed at how quickly our commissioners and health officials are willing to sacrifice freedoms for what could easily be a fleeting grasp towards safety. If you too have some of these concerns you should express these concerns to your county commissioners and the county health officer.
Representative Mark Jennings

…This is also a great article by my fellow Representative Elect Chip Neiman.

In regard to the press conference held by Gov Gordon, while I understand the problem is large I also understand that the people of Wyoming are more than able to stand against this storm.
This is not a nanny state, this is Wyoming – the Cowboy State. We don’t ignore problems, we face them head-on and deal with them with maturity and common sense. We value life and Liberty and the pursuit of happiness and realize that we must fight to protect them. Freedom is being able to have choices and recognizing the consequences good or bad for those choices. I trust the people of Wyoming to take care of themselves and to do that we must protect their right to make those choices. Calling Wyomingites “knuckle heads” and “chickens” is an affront to the men and women who fought everything from disease, droughts, blizzards, famine, hostiles, floods and plagues just to get here. Wyoming and its people are an example of faith, strength and courage. COVID 19 shall not overwhelm us. We must stand as an example of relentless, unified, faithful fighters for freedom – an example others can align with and be encouraged by.
May God Bless this great Wyoming and its great people.
Respectful Servant of District 1
Chip Neiman