Media Bias

pressIn picking up my paper Saturday morning, I was surprised to see my campaign literature on the front page. As I began to read the story about how I was a corrupt politician, I realized that apparently the paper decided not to print the ad that I had paid for several days earlier congratulating the fair participants, and instead used the power of the press for their own gain. They slammed not only my campaign but also several others. I was not contacted by the author of the article to even answer any of their questions. Once again, they allege that postcards sent out against Kathy Coleman were tied to me, even though all I did was fill out a survey. Apparently the truth does not sell as many newspapers as lies do. I have never been nor will ever be bought or sold for votes. I am the only local legislator willing to put all of my votes out for the public to see because I actually do believe in transparency and I am proud of my voting record. I do not consider public scrutiny and discussion of my votes to be negative campaigning, in fact I welcome it. As far as the newspapers allegations about Wyoming Liberty Group, they are a grassroots group that works towards freedom for Wyoming. These are issues that Sheridan people and I agree on. I guess that is a bad thing in the paper’s mind. My opponent got money from the Wyoming Education Association because she filled out their survey which seems fair to me. My opponent has been posting my votes in ads. As I have stated before I don’t see that as negative campaigning as it allows people to look at them and discuss them. My opponent’s approval of disapproval doesn’t matter to me, I want the people of my district to know what I am doing as I work for them. If you would like to call me with any questions, 461-0697, I would be happy to talk with you. Mark Jennings.

Last Modified on December 8, 2018
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